We invite everyone to "Grow with us" as we have Discipleship Classes every Wednesday evening.
All ages are welcome. If you haven't connected on a Wednesday evening, TODAY would be a great time to start!
All ages are welcome. If you haven't connected on a Wednesday evening, TODAY would be a great time to start!
What's Happening in the Fall on Wednesday Evenings.
Bible Study with Pastor Jeff Deitrich (Atrium)
The book of Joshua is full of familiar accounts often told in Sunday School, but there is so much more to this book than kid’s stories. It spells out God’s desire for the people of Israel to possess the promised land, and this promise has far reaching effects even into our modern times. Also, it is one of the most violent books in all the Bible as it details the forceful takeover of the land of Canaan, and this often leaves its readers wondering how to reconcile this with the concept of a loving God. In this class we’ll discuss these concepts and more, so come join us as we dive deep into the familiar but complicated book of Joshua. Men’s Bible Study with Pastor Kevin Wartluft (Room 104) Pastor Kevin is leading a study based on the book by Francis Chan, “Letters to the Church.” In Letters to the Church, Francis Chan invites us to wrestle with the fact that many churches have drifted from God's desire for them. He challenges Christians to ask, “What does God want for His Church? When Jesus returns, will He find us caring for His Bride - even more than for our own lives?” Bible Study with Amy Wojnarski (Rom 103) Experience the life of Jacob and Joseph in our fall class on Wednesday nights! Jacob, the last of the patriarch's, will fulfill the promise made to his grandfather, Abraham, by having 12 sons and bringing forth the nation of Israel. Come find out how the name of Israel came to be. Then pursue the testimony of Joseph as it portrays an amazing picture of Christ. We will apply Old and New Testament scriptures to these heroes of faith. And finally, we will see how Jacob's prophecies over the 12 tribes come to pass. All you need is your Bible and a desire to go deeper into scripture! Mom’s Group (for moms with kids under 18) (Room 102) The Mom’s Group with Trisha Griffith will begin a new study based on the book titled, "Moms at the Well: Meeting God Through the Mothers of Scripture." This Bible study offers a modern-day "well" for mothers - a gathering place to encourage one another, take an honest look at the challenges we face as moms, and experience the God who invites us into a process of spiritual transformation. This is open to any mom with kids under 18! |
Walk Through the Bible with Tom Ellicott (Prayer Chapel)
Individuals of all ages are welcome to attend Tom Ellicott’s class in the Prayer Chapel. The Fall study will focus on: 1. Key Characters from Exodus through Deuteronomy; and 2) Godly Women in Scripture. During the Wednesday evening adult classes, we have the following ministries for your kids & teens:
> Zeo Student Ministries with Matt & Pastor Breanna Bennett for grades 7 - 12. > Royal Rangers & Mpact Girls Ministries - pre-school through 6th grades. > Nursery for infants thru age 2. Tuesday Evening Bible Study with Lois Smith
2nd & 4th Tuesday Evenings Lois Smith will begin a Fall Ladies Bible Study on Tuesday, September 24 at 6:30 PM in Atrium Classroom 102. The title of this study is, “12 Daring Women of the Bible.” Some of today's best-loved Christian authors and speakers look at the spiritual lessons learned from twelve daring women in the Bible and what they mean for us today. As we look at each of these women’s lives, we will discover how to: Apply biblical lessons to your own modern-day struggles, Live through your failures as well as your successes, Draw near to God in a world filled with trials, Find lasting contentment in every situation, Overcome rejection and insecurity … and much more. This study will meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. See Lois Smith with any questions. You can sign up at the table in the hallway. |